China Film Industry Report 2011(Brief version)

  • Type:Annual Report
  • Pages:42
  • Charts:


 With the release of the Cultural Industries Stimulation Plan in 2009, China’s cultural industry was elevated to national strategic level. In January 2010, the office of the State Council released Guidelines on Stimulating Film Industry Development, this historical turn is the first time film industry is elevated to a strategic industry. In April 2010, nine ministries jointly issued Guidelines on Financial Support for the Promotion and Development of Cultural Industries, stating that China will improve credit and loans systems for cultural industries’ benefits. The guidelines also state that the insurance market for cultural industry will be cultivated and developed.
 Chinese Box office revenues skyrocketed in 2010, reaching 10.17 billion RMB, up 63.9% over 2009. This number is expected to continue grow rapidly in 2011 with growth rate expected at 45% and in 2012, total box office revenue is expected to reach 20 billion RMB. Among 10.17 billion RMB box-office revenues, domestic films scored 53% of the income. These domestic films are mostly big budget films, about 2% of the total domestic films being produced in 2010. The high concentration is becoming one of Chinese film market’s unique characteristics. As Chinese film market grows rapidly, there is an influx of hot money, venture capitals and private equities come into film industry, several major players in film-making are also seeking to broaden their business, Huayi Brothers, Bona Film Group and Enlight Film Picture went public one by one.

 In 2010, the number of cinemas and screens in China continued to maintain a rapid rate of growth. Within the national circuit of cinemas, there were 313 new venues opened in 2010, bringing the total number to 2000 venues. There were also an additional 1,533 screens in 2010, an average of 4.3 additional screens per day, bringing the total number of screens nationwide to 6,256. Along with the rapid overall development of the market, this report has found that, under policies of guidance and encouragement implemented by the government, the next few years will be a peak period of growth for the construction of new cinemas. The growth of the number of cinemas and screens will see rapid growth and it expected that an additional 1,300 cinemas and 10,000 screens will be added to current levels by 2012.

Table of Contents

1.Overall Trends in China’s Film Industry
1.1 Analysis of China’s Film Industry in 2010
1.1.1 Policy: film as a national strategic industry
1.1.2 Financing: hot money flowing into the film industry
1.1.3 Society: the formation of movie-going habits
1.1.4 Technology: digitalizing a necessary trend for film development
1.2. Film Industry Chain in China
1.2.1 Box Office Revenue Sharing System in China
1.3. Analysis of the Scale of China’s Film Industry
1.3.1 The Scale of China’s Film Industry
1.3.2 Domestic Box Office Revenue in China: 27 films over 100M, imported films comprise 43% of box office revenue
1.3.3 Film Copyright in China
1.3.4 Movie Advertising in China: huge potential that needs to be standardized
2. The Production Sector
2.1 Introduction of the Production Process for Chinese Films
2.2.Overview and Analysis of Movie Production in China in 2010
2.3.Analysis of Financing Channels for Chinese Movies
2.4. Analysis of Investment Returns
2.5. Co-production in 2010
2.6.Future Trends of Chinese Film Production
3.The Distribution Sector
3.1 Summary of Film Distribution Market in 2010
3.1.1 Highly concentrated market.
3.1.2 Quarterly fluctuated performances of private companies
3.1.3 Investment Patterns
3.2 Market Performances of the Major Distribution Companies in 2010
3.2.1 China Film Group Corporation: remaining a monopoly situation
3.2.2 Huaxia: Steadily increasing the distribution volume of domestic films
3.2.3 Huayi Brothers: Quality production of high value
3.2.4 China Film Digital: Steadily improving
3.2.5 Bona Film Group: High quantity and scale effect
3.3 Case Study——Aftershock
3.3.1 New finance model
3.3.2 Promotion and Distribution——Creating Topics for Discussion
3.3.3 Spin-off Marketing
3.3.4 Product Placement
3.4 Case Study——Let The Bullets Fly
3.4.1 Theatrical Revenue
3.4.2 Film Position and Promotion Strategy
3.4.3 Film Promotion Effect——Weibo Marketing
4.The Exhibition Sector – Cinema Circuits in China 2010
4.1 Introduction to Cinema Circuits in China
4.2 Market Landscape of Cinema Circuits
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Market Analysis
4.3 Major cinema circuits in China
4.3.1 Wanda Cinema Line
4.3.2 China Film Stellar Theater Chain
4.3.3 Shanghai United Circuit
4.3.4 China Film Southern
4.3.5 Beijing New Film Association
4.3.6 Guangzhou Jinyi Zhujiang Movie Circuit
4.3.7 Zhejiang Time Cinema Chain
4.3.8 Guangdong Dadi Digital Cinema
4.3.9 Sichuan Pacific Cinema
4.3.10 Liaoning Northern Cinema
4.4 Market Features and Future Trends
4.4.1 Fast Developments and Wider Gaps
4.4.2 Imbalanced Development among Different Regions
4.4.3 Seeking Better Management
5.The Exhibition Sector -- Cinemas in China 2010
5.1 The Development of Cinemas in China in 2010
5.1.1 Number of Cinemas and Screens
5.1.2 Development of Digital Screens in China
5.1.3 Development of 3D Screens in China
5.1.4 Development of IMAX Screens in China
5.2 Overview of China’s Cinema Market in 2010
5.2.1 Data Different Box Office Levels for Chinese Cinemas in 2010
5.2.2 Top 100 Selling in China in 2010
5.2.3 Operational Efficiency of Top 100 Cinemas in China in 2010
5.2.4 Top 10 Grossing Cinemas in China
5.2.5 Beijing Box Office Sales in 2010
5.2.5 Shanghai Box Office Sales in 2010
5.3 Analysis of Cinema Investment
5.3.1 National and Local Support Policies for Cinema Investment
5.3.2 Major Cinema Investors
5.4 Cinema Investment and Management Companies
5.4.1 Overview of Cinema Investment Companies
6. 2010 Study on China’s Movie Schedule
6.1 2010 Market Analysis of Movies on a Monthly Basis
6.1.1 Trend of Yearly/Monthly Box Offices in 2010
6.1.2 Distribution of Months for Milestone Movies in 2010
6.2 Analysis of China Milestone Movie Release Schedules
6.2.1 Summer Movie Release Schedule
6.2.2 Movie Release Schedule on Mid-autumn and National Day
6.2.3 Release Schedule on New Year
6.3 Analysis of the Development of China’s Movie Release Schedule
7. Analysis of Major Players in China’s Film Industry
7.1 Analysis of the Competitiveness Edge of Sophisticated Players in the Film Industry
7.1.1 A Six-year Journey of China Film Group for Listing to be Finally True
7.1.2 Shanghai Film Group
7.1.3 Huayi Brothers
7.1.4 Bona Film Group
7.1.5 Orange Sky Golden Harvest Ltd.
7.1.6 Stellar Film Group
7.2 Analysis of Competitiveness of New Film Companies
7.2.1 Enlight Picture
7.2.2 Galloping Horse
7.2.3 Dadi Movie
7.2.4 LETV Pictures
7.3.2 Jingmao Film Media
8.Introduction and Export of Overseas Copyright
8.1 Introduction of Overseas Film Copyright for Chinese Film Market 2010
8.1.1 Overview of Box Office of Imported films 2010
8.1.2 Analysis of Market Feature of Imported films in 2010
8.2 Export of Domestic Films in 2010
8.2.1 Overview of Chinese Film Export in 2010
8.2.2 North American
8.2.3 Asian-Pacific region List of Main Asia-Pacific Distribution Companies that Export Chinese Films
8.2.4 Europe and Other Regions
9.Movie-going survey China in 2010
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Preference on Film Production
9.2.1.Audience Opinions on Special Film Formats
9.2.2.Preferred Genres for 3D films
9.2.3.Preferred Genres for IMAX Films
9.2.4.Favorite Genres
9.2.5.Main Problems of Local Genre Films
9.2.6.The Most Anticipated Genres
9.2.7.Main Reasons to Choose a Film
9.3. Preference on Film Marketing and Distribution
9.4.1.Most Effective Means of Marketing
9.4.2.Preference on Internet Media
9.4.3.Preference on Microblogging Websites
9.4.4.Preference on Movie Websites
9.4.5.Preference on Video Websites
9.4.6.Preference on SNS Channels
9.4.7.Preference on General Portal Channels
9.4.8.Preference on Advertisements in Cinemas
9.4.9.Reasons why Viewers Choose Specific Movies
9.4.10.Who do Viewers Watch Movies with?
9.5. Preference on Movie Theaters
9.5.1.Preference on Ticket Buying
9.5.2.Viewer Opinion of Group Purchase Tickets
9.5.3.Time Viewers Spend Watching Movies
9.5.4.Preference on Cinema Facilities
9.5.5.Viewer Opinion on Cinema Software
9.5.6.Viewer Opinion on Cinema Hardware
9.5.7.Preference on Theater Location
9.5.8.Choice of Theater among Movie Goers
9.5.9.Factors Affecting Viewer Choice of Theater
9.5.10.Viewer Spending in Theaters
9.5.11.Types of Goods Purchased in Theaters
9.5.12.Choices between Domestic and Imported Films
9.5.13.Reasons to Prefer Local Films 2010
9.6. Attitudes toward Movie Advertisements
9.6.1.Viewer Attitudes toward Product-placement Advertising
9.6.2.Products that Viewers Believe are Appropriate to Place in Films
9.6.3.Viewer Attitudes toward Pre-Film Advertisements
9.6.4.Types of Pre-Film Advertisements Accepted by Viewers
9.6.5.Viewer Opinions on Length of Pre-Film Advertisement
9.7. Survey Sample Analysis
9.7.5.Family Status
9.7.6.Marital Status
9.7.7.Place of Origin
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Movie Gross Admissions
Ne Zha 2
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The Little Stove G... US$0.22(M) 32614
Octopus with Broke... US$0.12(M) 19105
I Am What I Am 2 US$0.07(M) 11698
PLANET EARTH HOSTI... US$0.07(M) 14549