China Film Industry Report 2013-2014 (Paid)

  • Type:Annual
  • Pages:100
  • Charts:100
  • Price:5000 $    3500 €

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I Research Background

II Research Scope

III Methodology

IV Introduction to Online Survey

V The Report

1. Overall Analysis of Trends in China’s Film Industry in 2013

1.1 Background of China’s Film Industry in 2013

1.1.1 Policy

1.1.2 Economics

1.1.3 Social Background

1.1.4. Technology

1.2 Analysis of the Scale of the Chinese Film Industry

1.2.1 Overview of the Scale of the Chinese Film Industry

1.2.2 Box Office Revenue for Chinese Films

1.2.3 Revenue from non-Theatrical Windows of Films in China

1.2.4 Revenue from Advertising

2. Movie Production and Investment in China in 2013

2.1 Overview of Movie Production in China in 2013

2.1.1 Analysis of Production Volume in China in 2013

2.1.2 Analysis by Genre

2.1.3 Analysis of 3D and IMAX Films

2.2 Analysis of Chinese Movie Production Companies in 2013

2.2.1 Market Shares of Chinese Movie Production Companies in 2013

2.2.2 The Competitive Landscape of Chinese Movie Productions in 2013

2.3 Overview of Co-productions in China in 2013

2.4 Analysis of Film Investment and Financing in 2013

2.4.1 Characteristics of Film Investment and Financing in China in 2013

2.4.2 Return of Investment for Chinese Movies in 2013 and Case Studies

2.5 Analysis of Development Trends in Chinese Movie Production in 2013

3. Movie Distribution in China in 2013

3.1 Study of Distribution Models in China

3.1.1 Distribution Models in China Mainland

3.1.2 International Distribution of Chinese Local Films

3.1.1 Distribution Models of Imported Films in China

3.2 Overview of Film Distribution Market in China in 2013

3.2.1 Analysis of Market Shares among Chinese Distributors

3.2.2 Concentration Rate of Chinese Distribution Market

3.3 Analysis of Chinese Movie Distribution Companies in 2013

3.3.1 China Film Group

3.3.2 Enlight Pictures

3.3.3 Huayi Brothers

3.3.4 China Lion

3.4 Analysis of Movie Marketing in China in 2013

3.4.1 Development and Characteristics of Movie Marketing in China

3.4.2 Overview of Movie Marketing in China in 2013

3.4.3 Break-down of Movie Marketing Expenses in China

3.4.4 Analysis of Chinese Movie Marketing Agencies

3.5 Trends of Movie Marketing and Distribution in China in 2013

3.5.1 Implementation of E-Commerce

3.5.2 Integration within the Industrial Chain

3.5.3 Marketing on Mobile Devices

3.5.4 Offline Distribution Networks

3.6 Models and Case Studies of Movie Marketing in China in 2013

3.6.1 “Unbeatable”

3.6.2 “Pacific Rim”

3.6.3 “The Grandmaster”

4. Chinese Movie Exhibition Industry in 2013 - A Study of Movie Theater Chains in China

4.1 General Information about Movie Theater Chains in China

4.2 Only Player in Tier 1, Wanda Leads the Race by Far

4.3 Analysis of Two Typical Chinese Theater Chains in 2013

4.3.1 Dadi Cinemas

4.3.2 Jinyi International Cinemas

4.4 Analysis of Theater Chain Development Trends in China

5. China Movie Exhibition Industry in 2013 –A Study of Movie Theaters in China

5.1 Overview of the Development of Movie Theaters in China for 2013

5.1.1 Numbers of Chinese Movie Theaters and Screens in 2013

5.1.2 Number of Digital Movie Screens in China for 2013

5.1.3 Growth in the Number of 3D Movie Screens in China for 2013

5.1.4 Growth in the Number of IMAX Movie Screens in China in 2013

5.2 Overview of the Movie Theater Market in China in 2013

5.2.1 Different Movie Theater Groupings in China based on Box Office Performance for 2013

5.2.2 Top 10 Theaters in Box Office Proceeds in 2013

5.3 Development of E-Commerce for Chinese Theaters in 2013

5.3.1 Current State of E-Commerce in Chinese Movie Theater Market

5.3.2 Analysis of Group Buying In Chinese Movie Theater Market

5.3.3 Analysis of Online Seat Selection for Chinese Movie Theaters

5.4 Analysis of Development Trends for Movie Theaters in China


6. Timeslot Analysis in China in 2013

6.1 Analysis of the 2013 Film Market by Each Month

6.1.1 Top Monthly Box Office Winners in 2013

6.1.2 Monthly Box Office Trends in China in 2013

6.1.3 Characteristics of the Varying Timeslots in 2013

6.2 Analysis of the Primary Timeslots in China’s Film Market for 2013

6.2.1 Summer Timeslot

6.2.2 National Holiday Timeslot

6.2.3 New Year’s Timeslot

7. Import of Foreign Films and Export of Chinese Films

7.1 The Import of Foreign Films to the Chinese Film Market in 2013

7.1.1 Box Office Performances for Imported Films in 2013

7.1.2 Main Features of the 2013 Imported Film Market

7.2 The Export of Chinese Local Films in 2013

7.2.1 The Overview of the Export of Chinese Films in 2013

7.2.2 Analysis of the Exported Chinese Films

7.2.3 Analysis of Companies Exported Chinese Films

7.3 Trend Analysis for the Import of Foreign Films and the Export of Chinese Domestic Films

7.3.1 Lowest Growth Rate for Imported Foreign Films in 2013 due to Lack of Local Flavor and Diversity

7.3.2 Sequels and Re-Release Make up Majority of Imported Films Revenues

7.3.3 Increasing Collaborations between US and China in M&A, Co-Production and Distribution
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About EntGroup

EntGroup Consulting is a leading entertainment industry research and consulting institute in China, a partner of Kaiyin Information Consulting Alliance.  EntGroup’s services include survey and statistics, market research, industry research and consulting and media conferences.  We provide services to enterprises in film, TV, new media, entertainment marketing and animation industries.

EntGroup also operates EntGroup Entertainment Industry Net --, a portal site on Chinese entertainment industry and economics.


About EBOT

EBOT EntGroup Box Office Tracker is a database focusing on the entertainment industry. Created and managed by China's leading entertainment industry research institute, EntGroup, it provides statistics and analysis on film and TV industries, as well as insight on market trends and consumer behaviors. It is an essential tool for entertainment investors, financiers, film production companies, distributors and advertisers. EBOT integrates Box Office data and analysis, moviegoer surveys, advertising insight, buzz tracking and industry research reports.

Movie Gross Admissions
A Place Called Sil... US$35.76(M) 6108554
Despicable Me 4 US$15.07(M) 2647923
Your Name US$11.67(M) 2133627
Pleasant Goat and ... US$4.60(M) 894390
Inside Out 2 US$2.59(M) 439023
Into The Mortal Wo... US$1.75(M) 325852
Twisters US$1.61(M) 272735
A Legend US$1.15(M) 210088
Moments We Shared US$0.98(M) 172521