The 11th Tokyo Anime Awards kicked off on Saturday, with Chinese animations making a strong showing among the 382 nominations.
  • 03/27/2012
This year's springtime will see the works of sixth generation Chinese film directors come to life on the nation's cinema screens. From late April to May all films directed by sixth or seventh generation directors, are to be released in cinemas.
  • 03/26/2012
A teen drama series produced by,appearance on both Shenzhen and Anhui Television Stations, has generated inquiry about whether this will usher in a new trend of made-for-Internet dramas feeding mainstream television stations their self-produced programs.
  • 03/26/2012
China’s CCTV Documentary channel announces new documentary series to be produced with its international partners the National Geographic Channel, and the BBC; as well as its solely produced projects in 2012.
  • 03/23/2012
For now, though, Youku, Tudou and online video rivals such as and Qiyi, backed by Chinese search engine Baidu, are struggling to turn popularity into profits. Youku's fourth-quarter sales more than doubled to $48.6 million, the Beijing company announced this month.
  • 03/23/2012
Tencent Holdings Ltd officially entered the Internet television industry on Wednesday by launching an exclusive partnership with China Network Television, or CNTV, the online branch of China's dominant television broadcaster, the State-run China Central Television.
  • 03/23/2012
Big studios are trying to push further into China, where box office receipts rose more than a third last year to $2 billion. China represents one of the most attractive growth opportunities for the US movie industry, which is facing declining North American theater revenue and slumping DVD sales.
  • 03/22/2012
Movie Gross Admissions
The Last Frenzy
Twilight of the Wa... US$17.96(M) 3072693
Kingdom of the Pla... US$11.68(M) 2007017
Formed Police Unit US$8.98(M) 1520601
SPY×FAMILY CODE: W... US$4.43(M) 805421
Howl's Moving Castle US$3.04(M) 540900
I love you to the ... US$0.82(M) 146816
Godzilla × Kong: T... US$0.47(M) 78400
I want to be a tea... US$0.41(M) 71581
Interstellar Mission US$0.32(M) 67908