The true stories of China and its people have long been misread. The varnished and sometimes demonized images simply hold the real China back from the rest of the world.
The government-run China Movie Channel will launch an online service like Netflix Inc in China this year, promising a big new revenue source for Hollywood from streaming its films and TV shows to subscribers in the world’s most populous nation.
Waves of Hong Kong-mainland film projects have held a firm grasp on audiences' attention in different phases of past decades. With more film industry professionals from Hong Kong crossing the border recently, it seems co-productions have reached a golden age.
As more domestic video websites are establishing their own "web cinemas," or paid rental services for new release movies, a new market is opening for both commercial industries and home audiences.
A total of 100 Chinese cinemas will be equipped with "DMAX" large screens made with Chinese independent technology in three years, according to the China Film Co. Ltd, one of the screen's developers.
There was much hand-wringing at last week’s Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) about how local films are suffering following the widening of China’s import quotas for foreign films.
Chinese distrib Rare Media unveiled plans to co-produce and acquire foreign docs at Sunny Side of the Doc, which bowed on Tuesday in La Rochelle.