Box Office Analysis:
North America
Note: The box office chart data generated from three or more
Tendency Chart
North America:
Note:Obtain more complete data and analysis, please visit the understanding entbase。
(Currency Unit:USD) |
Date(Weeks) |
Rank |
Ranking last week |
Weekend Gross |
Cumulative Gross |
weeks |
Screens |
Per Screen Average |
22-09-16 - 22-09-18 (6) |
67 |
56 |
$0.0 |
$0.4 |
6 |
4 |
$0.0 |
22-09-09 - 22-09-11 (5) |
54 |
42 |
$0.0 |
$0.4 |
5 |
9 |
$0.0 |
22-08-19 - 22-08-21 (2) |
32 |
20 |
$0.0 |
$0.3 |
2 |
53 |
$0.0 |
22-08-12 - 22-08-14 (1) |
20 |
new |
$0.2 |
$0.2 |
1 |
350 |
$0.0 |
China box office:
Total Box Office(¥423)