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A Dog's Way Home


Genres:Drama / Adventure / Family Countries:USA
Release date:2019-1-18 China more>>
China box office: Note:Obtain more complete data and analysis, please visit the understanding entbase。 (Currency Unit:USD)
Date(Weeks) Gross(M) Total Gross (M) Screening days Screenings Admissions Average Ticket Price
19-02-04 - 19-02-10 (4) 24 $4.9
19-01-28 - 19-02-03 (3) $0.7 $5.5 17 32153 149012 $4
19-01-21 - 19-01-27 (2) $1.7 $4.8 10 80564 376411 $4
19-01-14 - 19-01-20 (1) $3.0 $3.0 3 88240 640985 $4
Hong Kong: Note:Obtain more complete data and analysis, please visit the understanding entbase。 (Currency Unit:HK$)
Date(Weeks) Rank Gross Cumulative Gross Screening days Screens Per Screen Average
19-01-28 至 19-02-03 (3) 9 HK$47 HK$249 17 N/A
19-01-21 至 19-01-27 (2) 6 HK$95 HK$202 10 N/A
North America: Note:Obtain more complete data and analysis, please visit the understanding entbase。 (Currency Unit:USD)
Date(Weeks) Rank Ranking last week Weekend Gross Cumulative Gross weeks Screens Per Screen Average
19-02-15 至 19-02-17 (6) 17 11 $88 $4033 6 880 N/A
19-02-08 至 19-02-10 (5) 11 8 $196 $3894 5 2009 N/A
19-02-01 至 19-02-03 (4) 8 7 $362 $3601 4 2962 N/A
19-01-25 至 19-01-27 (3) 7 6 $510 $3071 3 3081 N/A
19-01-18 至 19-01-20 (2) 6 3 $719 $2136 2 3090 N/A
19-01-11 至 19-01-13 (1) 3 new $1125 $1125 1 3090 N/A
Movie Gross Admissions
Stand By Me
Chong Sheng US$5.36(M) 897072
Alien: Romulus US$3.67(M) 633630
Successor US$2.20(M) 373188
Like A Rolling Stone US$2.07(M) 364554
A Frozen Rage US$2.06(M) 345834
How to Make Millio... US$1.80(M) 333279
Enjoy yourself US$1.51(M) 255251
Untouchable US$1.36(M) 229938
ALL SUSPECTS US$1.05(M) 196175