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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen


Genres:Sci-Fi / Action / Adventure Countries:USA
Release date:2009-6-24 China more>>
Distributors:Huaxia Film Distribution Co.,Ltd more>>
Note:Obtain more complete data and analysis, please visit the understanding entbase。 (Currency Unit:USD)
Date(Weeks) Gross(M) Total Gross (M) Screening days Screenings Admissions Average Ticket Price
09-08-17 - 09-08-23 (9) 61 $4.4
09-08-10 - 09-08-16 (8) 54 $4.2
09-08-03 - 09-08-09 (7) 47 $4.1
09-07-27 - 09-08-02 (6) 40 $4.4
09-07-20 - 09-07-26 (5) 33 $4.5
09-07-13 - 09-07-19 (4) 26 $4.6
09-07-06 - 09-07-12 (3) $10.2 $52.0 19 39511 2165654 $4.7
09-06-29 - 09-07-05 (2) $19.0 $42.0 12 46284 4027055 $4.7
09-06-22 - 09-06-28 (1) $22.3 $23.7 5 35456 4576695 $4.9
09-06-15 - 09-06-21 (0) $0.0 $0.1 -2 280 6031 $4.3
09-06-08 - 09-06-14 (0) $0.1 $0.1 -9 446 14431 $5.0
Hong Kong: Note:Obtain more complete data and analysis, please visit the understanding entbase。 (Currency Unit:HK$)
Date(Weeks) Rank Gross Cumulative Gross Screening days Screens Per Screen Average
09-07-27 - 09-08-02 (6) 9 HK$25 HK$4783 40 10 HK$3
09-07-20 - 09-07-26 (5) 7 HK$63 HK$4758 33 21 HK$3
09-07-13 - 09-07-19 (4) 4 HK$185 HK$4695 26 37 HK$5
09-07-06 - 09-07-12 (3) 2 HK$656 HK$4511 19 70 HK$9
09-06-29 - 09-07-05 (2) 1 HK$1661 HK$3854 12 97 HK$17
09-06-22 - 09-06-28 (1) 1 HK$2193 HK$2193 5 115 HK$19
North America: Note:Obtain more complete data and analysis, please visit the understanding entbase。 (Currency Unit:USD)
Date(Weeks) Rank Ranking last week Weekend Gross Cumulative Gross weeks Screens Per Screen Average
09-10-09 - 09-10-11 (16) 49 37 $0.1 $402.1 16 151 $0.0
09-10-02 - 09-10-04 (15) 37 34 $0.2 $402.0 15 224 $0.0
09-09-25 - 09-09-27 (14) 34 30 $0.2 $401.8 14 275 $0.0
09-09-18 - 09-09-20 (13) 30 26 $0.2 $401.5 13 325 $0.0
09-09-11 - 09-09-13 (12) 26 19 $0.4 $401.1 12 406 $0.0
09-09-04 - 09-09-06 (11) 19 20 $1.0 $400.6 11 507 $0.0
09-08-28 - 09-08-30 (10) 20 16 $0.6 $399.4 10 622 $0.0
09-08-21 - 09-08-23 (9) 16 15 $1.0 $398.4 9 740 $0.0
09-08-14 - 09-08-16 (8) 15 12 $1.6 $396.8 8 1007 $0.0
09-08-07 - 09-08-09 (7) 12 10 $3.0 $393.7 7 1948 $0.0
09-07-31 - 09-08-02 (6) 10 6 $4.7 $388.2 6 2626 $0.0
09-07-24 - 09-07-26 (5) 6 3 $8.1 $379.2 5 3237 $0.0
09-07-17 - 09-07-19 (4) 3 3 $13.7 $363.8 4 3857 $0.0
09-07-10 - 09-07-12 (3) 3 1 $24.2 $339.2 3 4293 $0.0
09-07-03 - 09-07-05 (2) 1 1 $42.3 $293.4 2 4234 $0.0
09-06-26 - 09-06-28 (1) 1 new $109.0 $200.1 1 4234 $0.0
Produced by:
Movie Gross Admissions
Stand By Me
Chong Sheng US$5.36(M) 897072
Alien: Romulus US$3.67(M) 633630
Successor US$2.20(M) 373188
Like A Rolling... US$2.07(M) 364554
A Frozen Rage US$2.06(M) 345834
How to Make Mi... US$1.80(M) 333279
Enjoy yourself US$1.51(M) 255251
Untouchable US$1.36(M) 229938
ALL SUSPECTS US$1.05(M) 196175