1997 | Eau | 1990 | Indian Middlemen: Natives in the Fur Trade | 1997 | Dondoli Studio | 1999 | Con el mundo alrededor | 1990 | Histoire des Trois, L' | 1999 | Closed Country | 1999 | Cinéma Vérité: Defining the Moment | 1993 | Fleuve aux grandes eaux, Le | 1991 | Grauholz oder Über die Verteidigung der Heimat | 1991 | Government in Canada | 2000 | Carpe Diem | 1993 | Eye Spy | 1996 | Cosmos | 1990 | Entre deux soeurs | 1993 | Diable dans la philosophie, Le | 1995 | Curtains | 1994 | Constellation Jodorowsky, La | 1999 | Black Lake | 1990 | Dominant Nurses | 2001 | Bal des pantins, Le | 1996 | Camping Cosmos | 1993 | Coq en de leeuw, Le | 1993 | Constructing Reality: Exploring Media Issues in Documentary - Voices of Experience, Voices for Chang | 1998 | Blind Date | 1992 | Chekist | 1996 | Blue Dog Safety Video, The | 1991 | Ciel pour la terre, Le | 1998 | Bal masqué, Le | 1993 | Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later, The | 1992 | Bête de foire, La |