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  • Film

Genres:Action / Drama Countries:Taiwan / HongKong
Release date:1973- USA more>>
Chinese name: English:Du bei chuan wang
Length: Shooting date: -
Language:Mandarin Color:Color
Video Alias:
Un petit coup dans les baguettes
...France (reissue title)
The Chinese Professionals
...USA (dubbed version)
Roi du kung-fu, Le
Roi du kung-fu attaque, Le
One Armed Boxer
...Hong Kong (original subtitled version) (English title)
Luchador manco, El
Eine Faust wie ein Hammer
...West Germany
Duk bey kuan wan
...Hong Kong (Cantonese title)
Con una mano ti rompo con due piedi ti spezzo
Boxeur manchot, Le
Movie Gross Admissions
The Boy and the He...
Godzilla × Kong: T... US$16.99(M) 2799118
Dwelling by the We... US$4.52(M) 825360
Viva La Vida US$3.70(M) 625805
The Victims US$3.57(M) 650409
Kung Fu Panda 4 US$3.06(M) 532426
Super Villain US$1.69(M) 311931
In Broad Daylight US$0.74(M) 133885
My Father the Dog US$0.70(M) 131791
The Pig, the Snake... US$0.55(M) 96797